Image: User calendar editor |
The user calendar dialog displays a specific month and shows a row with radio boxes for each configured absence type. If you want to set a certain absence type for a specific day just check the box in the corresponding field and click [Apply]. You can check several boxes before applying your changes but only one absence type per day can be chosen. The appropriate days will then be colored according to your new settings. The current absence row is only updated when changes are applied.
Clicking the [Clear] button will uncheck all markers and apply the changes to the database. So you don't need to click [Apply] after clicking [Clear].
Global and Personal daynotes
In the day note "Global Daynote" row you will see either a corner icon in those days for which a global daynote exist, or you will see a sticky note icon in every cell. The sticky not icon will open the global daynote edit dialog for that day, however, you need to have the appropriate permission to do so. If that is not the case you will just see the little corner icons and moving your mouse over that cell will pop up the global daynote.
In the "Personal Daynote" row you will see a notebook sticky note icon for each day. Clicking this icon will open the day note personal daynote edit dialog. You can store a user specific note of 80 characters for each day. A day holding a day note will be displayed with a special marker in the regular calendar display. There the day note will pop up like a tool tip when moving the mouse over the marked cell.
Date range input
Image: Date range input |
If you want to enter a longer period of absence you can use the date range input to do so. Select the absence type in the drop down box, then enter the From- and To-date of the absence. Note that the range must be within the month you are editing. If you wanna enter a range that spans over two months you must edit both months separately.
If the "Mark only business days" box is checked, only business days will be marked with the absence. Weekend days and Holidays, if they are not configured as business days will not be marked.
Recurring input
Image: Recurring input |
Another way of marking absences is the recurring input. Say you have a day off every Friday. Just check the Friday checkbox in the Recurring Input frame, pick the appropriate absence type in the drop down list in the same frame and click Apply. All Fridays in the upper portion will then be marked with that absence type.