JAM Documentation

Welcome to JAM

JAM stands for "JIRA Administration Manager". It accesses any JIRA host via REST API and offers extended administrative features that JIRA does not provide.

The ideal companion for any JIRA administrator!

Why JAM?

JIRA is an awesome worfklow engine. However, it has become mighty and complicated. Adding features to it is quite an ordeal via the Atlassian Eco System.

JAM tries to overcome what JIRA itself and plugins cannot do.

  • Independence form the JIRA web design, e.g. responsiveness

  • Independence from JIRA dependencies, e.g. plugin compatibility

  • Independence from the Atlassian Eco System, e.g. Atlassian Marketplace

  • Provide an independent development platform, slim, fast and responsive

Who is JAM for?

JAM addresses JIRA administrators in the first place. Being one myself I know how cumbersome several administrative tasks can be. Reporting and filtering in JIRA is mostly user-oriented. Administrators often run short on what they need. JAM tries to fill that gap. Have you ever seen an alphabetically sorted list of issue types? Do you know how many status in catgeory "In Progress" you have. Things like that are JAM's purpose to provide to you.

Who makes JAM?

JAM is developed by George Lewe .

How can I get JAM?

Unfortunately, you can't yet. JAM is new and a usage/distribution/license model has not been decided upon yet. It is also still under development. Should you be interested, contact me via www.lewe.com.

Best regards,
George Lewe

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