Group Assignment
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Group Assignment

Image: Group assignment page

The Group Assignment page offers a different, though more convenient way to change user types and to assign or unassign users to or from groups. Depending on how much groups you have created this page might require horizontal scrolling since there will be a column added for each group.

User Type

Image: User type

In the User Type Column you can select whether the user functions as a director or an administrator or if he just is a regular user. Members and managers of groups are considered to be regular users. Being a director or administrator does not affect the type of group membership. Each user can only hold one user type.

Group assignment

Image: Group assignment

Each group is represented in a column showing the type of membership for each user in his row. The first sub-column, marked by an X, indicates that the user is not member of this group. The second sub-column, marked by a green user icon, indicates that the user is a regular member of this group. The third sub-column, marked by a blue user icon, indicates that the user a manger of this group. Each user can only hold either one of those assignments per group, but there can be more than one manager for a group.

Search users

Image: User search box

If you have created many users you might want to narrow the selection shown on this page. By typing in a filter criteria in the search box you can display only those users matching your search string in their first or last name. The [Reset] button will list all users again.

Sort users

Image: User sort

The blue sort arrow next to the user column caption is actually a button and allow you to toggle the alphabetical sort order ascending and descending.



Updates all displayed users according to your settings


Displays this help page