Database Management
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Database Management


The Database Management offers clean-up and maintenance features for your TeamCal Pro database.

Clean up old templates and daynotes

Image: Manage database - Cleanup old records

Once you have used TeamCal Pro for a few months you may want to delete user absence records and day notes of the past. Enter the year and the month of the date that you want to use as the key date (data including this month and before will be deleted).

Also choose wether you want to

Delete user related templates and day notesDeletes user related records
Delete month templates and general day notesDeletes month templates and general day notes
Optimize tablesOptimizes tables with overhead

Example: Year=2004 and Month=07 will delete all user templates older than and including July 2004.

You need to confirm the deletion by typing in "CLEANUP" in the confirmation text box.

Delete database records

Image: Manage database - Delete records

You will find an easy way here to erase a large amount of data from your database.

Delete all users, their absence templates and day notes (except "admin")This option will delete all users except 'admin' including their absence templates and day notes.
Delete all groupsThis option will delete all groups.
Delete all holidays (except "weekend" and "business day")This option will delete all custom holidays. 'Weekend' and 'Business day' will not be erased since these two day types are basic to drawing a calendar (marking each Saturday and Sunday).
Delete all regions incl. templates and day notes (except "default")This option will delete all regions, all their month templates and all their general day notes. The 'default' region will not be deleted. If you just want to clear the default region (TeamCal Pro's base calendar, use the 'Delete all holidays' and/or the 'Delete all general day note' option.
Delete all absence types

This option will delete all absence types. 'Present' is a special absence type and will stay as such in the database.

Delete all general day notesThis option will delete all general day notes, those not assigned to a specific user.
Delete all announcementsThis option will delete all announcements and all assignments to users of them.
Delete all orphaned announcements

This option will delete only those announcements that have been read and confirmed by all users the announcements were assigned to.

Clear System LogThis option will clear the system log.
Delete custom permission schemes (except "Default")This option will delete all custom permission schemes that you might have created so far. The "Default" permission scheme comes with TeamCal Pro and cannot be deleted. This and the fact that administrators can always access the permission scheme editor makes sure that you cannot lock yourself out of TeamCal Pro.

You need to confirm the deletion by typing in "DELETE" in the confirmation text box.

Export database

Image: Manage database - Export database

You can export specific tables or the complete database from within TeamCal Pro's Database Maintenance page. In the "Table to export" drop down list select the table you want to export, or just leave the selection to "All" which will export all tables. Chose one of the formatting options that you would like the data to be presented. You can chose between 'CSV', 'SQL' and 'XML'. You can also decide where you want the output of the export to go. Select 'Browser' if you just want to see the data in your browser window. Select 'File Download' if you want to save the export to a local drive.

Restore database

Image: Manage database - Restore database

TeamCal Pro supports backup and restore of the database. A file downloaded via 'Download Database Dump' in the Administration menu can be used to restore the database here. Click the [Browse] button to select a file from your local hard drive. Then click [Restore] to restore your TeamCal Pro database.

Restoring the database will overwrite all current data !!!


Delete records

Submits your deletion request


Click to select a database dump file to restore


Exports the database according to your selection


Click to restore the database from the selected file