The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style


Image: Daynote dialog

You can store a note of 80 characters for each day. A day holding a day note will be displayed with a special background color in the regular calendar display. There the day note will pop up like a tool tip.

Enter the day note in the text box and click the 'Save' button to store it.

After you're done click [Done]. The dialog will close and the month template dialog will automatically be reloaded and reflect your changes.



This button only appears if the day holds no day note yet. Clicking this button will create it.


This button will open this help page.


This button only appears if the day holds a day note already. Clicking this button will save (update) it.


This button only appears if the day holds a day note already. Clicking this button will delete it.


Closes the dialog and refreshes the page that launched the dialog.

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